Friday, September 26, 2008

Good. Now...

...if they could just phase out the dead babies problem.  Maybe then there'd be a little more merit to the shot.  Of course there's the whole flawed germ theory.  But we're not counting that.


Unknown said...

I'd like to hear more about the dead baby thing. I've never heard that before. I get a flu shot most years and it seems to help. Am I all shot full of dead babys?

Unknown said...


The medical industry will not deny that they used tissues from aborted human foetus'. They will, however, say that the lines of vaccinations that cme from aborted human foetus' are so diluted that they are practically not present. The irony is that they criticize homoeopathic drugs for their use of dissolved and strained materials. The link to aborted foetal tissues, however, is undeniable, and was used in the initial development of vaccines. Go back and refer to my initial post on the subject, "Let Them Eat Metal", and follow the link at 'aborted human fetus'. That link will give you a chart of all the vaccines developed using lines of aborted human foetus'.

Also, the reason your flu shot seems effective is because you don't feel the flu you may be carrying. This is due to the fact that your antigens are being supressed, and hence, you don't feel the pathogens hurting your body. Essentially, the flu sot numbs you to the effects of the flu. If your antigens are suppressed, the pain and fevers you would usually get from a flu are no longer there for indicators that something's going on. Hence you can have the flu and not know it; you can think that "it seems to help." But it doesn't.


Unknown said...

I would prefer to not feel the effects of the flu.

So, is the pathogen itself developed in the abortees and then transferred to a more consumer image friendly liquid?

Unknown said...


I can't force you to make a decision on this issue, obviously. I would, however, counsel you to do some research into the ingredients of vaccines. And since the flu vaccine is the one on the docket between you and I, I would suggest you go first to and look up "Influenza" under the listing of the vaccines. Once you've been thoroughly disgusted with the lies you've been believing for the past while, go to the manufacturer's website for the most widely used flu vaccine in America and Canada, Merck. Their website is, and the article on Varivax (one of the common flu vaccines used in Canada). When you have read through the ingredients list on the manufacturer's site at you can continue to question why you would allow yourself to be injected with cytotoxic and genotoxic materials (such as EDTA), or monosodium L-glutamate, or fetal bovine serum, or MRC-5 cells including DNA and proteins (human lung fibroblasts).

The sickening reality is quite scary. I was fully immunized as a kid, and I wish I could turn back time and somehow change that. As it is, I am conscience stricken to warn people I care for that they're not actually being given something that is helpful, but is known to have deleterious effects on a person's health.

That you would rather not feel the effects of the flu is understandable. Nobody likes being sick. But really, if you keep your body healthy the likelihood of you ever having any long-term, or serious complications from having a flu is next to nothing. Short-term irritation for long-term health. Seems a more sensible route to me.

Unknown said...

Also Craig,

One of the ways you can make your immune system function properly is to mind what you eat. And one of the ways you can mind what you eat is to ignore most of what you've been told by the medical community. Grab up this book (Nourishing Traditions):

Eating right is one of the surest ways to keep yourself healthier than any of malicious little vaccines out there. And good, daily exercise combined with right eating will kick the ass of most of the commonly experienced diseases the medical industry (and it is an "industry") vaccinates for. Here at home, we've personally skipped through flus in a day or less that kept the vaccinated individuals in the community in bed for two or more weeks at a time. But don't take my word for it. Do your own research and dare to experience the difference.