Friday, July 10, 2009

Honest Thievery

By way of Pilgrim.Not.Wanderer


Anonymous said...

"It's not where you take things from, it's where you take them to." -- Jean-Luc Godard (I'm sure he would appreciate the credit, she says, tongue in cheek.)
Well, that's fine if you're talking about ideas or things that are more than 50 years old (like my husband), but it would be wise to study copyright laws in your particular country or get used to seeing vertical stripes across your field of vision.
Having said that, originality is highly over-rated (now that raised some eyebrows, I'm sure).

Anonymous said...


"Having said that, originality is highly over-rated (now that raised some eyebrows, I'm sure)."

Not really, actually. I've said that many times in my life, and usually for a laugh. Though I am a bit of an Ecclesiasticus; that is, a believer that "there is nothing new under the sun; all is vanity."

So now that we know we've both said the same thing about orginality, tell me: who's stealing from who?

Anonymous said...

Why ... you, of course!